Meeting, March 11, 2025

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

7 p.m., ZOOM Only

“Voting Records: Genealogy’s Best Kept Secret”

Presented by Pam Vestal

Looking for a date of birth or death?  The date and court of naturalization? Where your ancestor disappeared to, or where he came from?  His political outlook?  Even what kind of house he lived in?  Voting records may have the answer.  These often-overlooked gems can be packed with genealogical information, and you won’t believe what they can tell us about our ancestors!

Pam Vestal is a full-time genealogist and lecturer in Oregon whose research extends far beyond the Pacific Northwest, with clients all over the U.S. and research that reaches beyond our borders. From family histories to house histories, she tailors her work to the unique needs of each client, but as a professional writer, she specializes in digging into the genealogical facts to tell the ancestors’ stories. An illustrated genealogical biography makes a wonderfully personal way to honor them. Whether lecturing to professionals or newcomers to the field, she welcomes the opportunity to share what she has learned through genealogical coursework, conferences and years of on-site and online research.

Note:  Registration is required.  To register and get Zoom settings,
email   Members will also will be emailed a handout.


Updated Meeting September 10, 2024


1st floor conference room, 290 Evergreen, Vernon Hills, IL

Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 7 p.m.

Mining the Treasures of Family Search

Presented by Maureen Brady

Maureen Brady


Family Search’s resources are much more than records and using the Research Wiki. This presentation will review the little used options of Family Search, such as the Digital Library, Genealogies, Family Search Labs and Activities.

Maureen Brady is a former school librarian and computer educator. She has over 25 years’ experience with family history research, is a professional genealogist and owner of Bare Roots Genealogical Services.  Maureen has made numerous presentations to Illinois and Wisconsin genealogical societies, libraries, conferences, and workshops, as well as presenting at the 2002 National Genealogical Society Conference.  She is the staff trainer of the Crystal Lake and Buffalo Grove, IL Family History Centers and is a member of many genealogical and family history societies in the U.S. and Scotland.


Meeting August 8, 2024


THURSDAY, August 8, 2024, 7:00 PM

Researching Your World War II Ancestry

Presented by Jenny Warner:

 In this presentation we will cover Compiled Service Records, Pensions, Draft Registrations, and any other related genealogical material.

Jenny has been doing genealogy research for 42 years. I’m a member of many Lineage Societies including Presidents and First Ladies, NSDAR, LGAR, DUVCW, NSDU, NSDOAF, National Society Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims, National Society of New England Women, and National Society of Dames of the Court of Honor. I’m also a member of many Genealogical Societies on the local, state, and national level. They include the National Genealogical Society, New England Historical and Genealogical Society, and Illinois State Genealogical Society to name a few.

I love sharing my knowledge of family history. I also like helping people learn about their heritage. I speak on many topics including lineage societies. My favorite genealogy topics to talk about are anything military and research in New England and Pennsylvania areas.

Registration Required at


Meeting July 9, 2024



July 9, 2024, 7 p.m.


Presented by Maureen Brady

The territory Northwest of the Ohio river was created in 1787 and lasted until 1800. From it 5 states were formed: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Review the history and suggest research strategies for the territorial period.

Maureen Brady is a former school librarian and computer educator. She has over 25 years’ experience with family history research, is a professional genealogist and owner of Bare Roots Genealogical Services.  Maureen has made numerous presentations to Illinois and Wisconsin genealogical societies, libraries, conferences, and workshops, as well as presenting at the 2002 National Genealogical Society Conference.  She is the staff trainer of the Crystal Lake and Buffalo Grove, IL Family History Centers and  is a member of many genealogical and family history societies in the U.S. and Scotland.

Registration Required at:

Meeting, Tuesday, April 9, 2024


“30 Types of Maps useful for Genealogy”

Presented by Margaret Kapustiak


The past is not hidden; we see it every day, though we often do not even know it. Maps can unlock details about your family or lead you to new resources. We’ll explore various kinds of maps; look at details included and not included and offer suggestions on locating maps for Europe and the USA, particularly the Midwest.  You may want to share with the group your breakthroughs or most helpful maps that you have used.

Peg is a Florida resident, formerly of the south Chicago area. She has lectured for 23 years and is the author of one book and 48 research articles. She has served as President or Board Member of 13 different professional or Historical/Genealogical organizations, both in the US and Internationally. She has lived in London, Hong Kong & Singapore.

Note:  Zoom information will be sent prior to the meeting.

Meeting, March 16, 2024

Saturday, March 16, 2024

2nd Annual Workshop: Bringing History and Genealogy Together

Saturday 9 am – 1:30 p.m at Zion-Benton Library


              • Lincoln as War Leader – by Bruce Allardice
              • Lincoln’s Watch – by Douglas Stiles
              • Update on Waukegan Historical Society Building – by Ty Roher


View Workshop Flyer here.

Meeting, Tuesday, February 13, 2024

“Will the Real Sven Larsson Please Stand Up?”

Dan Hubbard

Presented by Dr. Daniel Hubbard


This presentation will cover “Getting started in Swedish genealogy,” Swedish last names that can be fluid and confusing, and Swedish geography that trips up the uninitiated.

You’ve got your swimsuit, so what else is needed to cross the Atlantic with your research and what records are there once you crawl up onto the shore?

Dr. Daniel Hubbard lives in Evanston and is past President of the Lake County Genealogical Society.  He is a former particle physicist and now a full-time professional genealogist and writer as well as owner of Personal Past.  His research concentrates on American, Canadian and Swedish records.  He is a member of the Nordic Family Genealogy Advisory Board at the Swedish-American Museum in Chicago.  Information about his presentations is at Products and Services on his website / blog Personal Past Meditations.  Librarians who have attended Dan’s presentations say he could be a very entertaining speaker, as well as thoroughly knowledgeable.  He does an “Intro to Genealogy presentation.”

Meeting, Tuesday, September 12, 2023

“Tales of Wales – The Lords of Llaneugrad”
(a small parish on the Isle of Anglesey in North Wales)

Presented by Gill Hodkinson 


“Tales of Wales – The “Lords” of Llaneugrad (a small parish on the beautiful Isle of Anglesey in North Wales)”


The stories of some of the most interesting owners including a Turncoat, The “Golden Peacock” of Penrhyn, The Beaumaris Bulkeley Empire founder, A Ghost on Horseback, A Barbados Sugar Plantation owner, “Mad” Tom Hervey, The Copper Kings of Parys Mountain, and The Williams of Bodelwyddan. All were owners of thousands of acres across North Wales, their stories never fail to amuse and educate.….


Gill has published a book on Amazon self-publishing called The Lords of Llaneugrad and it covers ownership of the parish lands from the pre-Roman time of the Druids through the 1960s. It is so much more than a factual history book as I also extensively researched the genealogy and lives of these owners and found out all sorts of very interesting tales associated with them. Her ambition for the book was to document and preserve the memories. Much of her research was done with her teenage nephew who lives on Anglesey, and it is a great deal of original research from source documents. Throughout the presentation she will try to weave in information and knowledge that is fundamental to researching family history in Wales, regardless of the location of your ancestors in the country.

Meeting, June 13

HYBRID PRESENTATION: In person at Aspen Drive Library, 701 Aspen Dr., Vernon Hills, IL and Zoom
(co-sponsored by Cook Memorial Library District and Lake County (IL) Genealogical Society)

“Astonishing Genealogy Results Using Today’s Social Media”

Presented via Zoom by Marsha Peterson-Maas

Are you a skeptic of using today’s social media for genealogy?  I was until I learned how to protect my privacy while using it.  Now I rely on it as a powerful tool in my genealogy toolkit. This lively presentation will cover tips for using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest that might help you greatly in your Media genealogical pursuits.

Marsha’s first formal training in genealogy was 26 years ago in The Newberry Library-Chicago beginner’s genealogy seminar, which she now teaches and is beginning her 22nd year as the instructor. Marsha is author of the Fundamentals of Genealogy® textbook series. Since 2014, she has been volunteering as a Director of Valor Research for Purple Hearts Reunited, a charitable foundation that receives donations of lost military Purple Heart medals, then performs genealogical research to reunite them with the veteran or the family at no cost. As a Board Member of the Chicago Genealogical Society, Marsha has led efforts to fully embrace today’s Social Media to share information about their genealogical resources, activities and guidance.

* Registration Required:  Scroll down the page to June 13 to see the presentation and registration.

Meeting, May 9, 2023

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

“Introduction to Family Tree Maker”

Presented by Mark Olsen

Join us for an introduction to the current version of Family Tree Maker.  We will discuss Family Tree Maker and what makes it different than other genealogy products and software. We will focus on a quick walk through of the various family tree building features from how to get and install the software and move on to basic use and creating or downloading your very own family tree.  We will discuss how it works with and with FamilySearch and be happy to discuss all your questions.

We will also discuss Family Tree Maker partner products – Charting Companion and Family Book Creator – both are amazing plug-ins that can help you create incredible charts, graphs, and books.

This class is for all levels of genealogists whether you are just getting started or very experienced.

Mark Olsen is the Family Tree Maker Ambassador to historical and genealogical societies around the world working to support their members as they use Family Tree Maker. Mark is a graduate of Brigham Young University and holds a bachelor’s degree in Family History with a Spanish records emphasis. He has been working in the genealogy industry since 2007 and has been the Family Tree Maker Ambassador since 2016.


Lake County (IL) Genealogical Society P.O. Box 998, Mundelein, IL. 60060-0998
