Tuesday, March 11, 2025
7:00 p.m, ZOOM Only
“Voting Records: Genealogy’s Best Kept Secret”
Presented by Pam Vestal
Looking for a date of birth or death? The date and court of naturalization? Where your ancestor disappeared to, or where he came from? His political outlook? Even what kind of house he lived in? Voting records may have the answer. These often-overlooked gems can be packed with genealogical information, and you won’t believe what they can tell us about our ancestors!
Pam Vestal is a full-time genealogist and lecturer in Oregon whose research extends far beyond the Pacific Northwest, with clients all over the U.S. and research that reaches beyond our borders. From family histories to house histories, she tailors her work to the unique needs of each client, but as a professional writer, she specializes in digging into the genealogical facts to tell the ancestors’ stories. An illustrated genealogical biography makes a wonderfully personal way to honor them. Whether lecturing to professionals or newcomers to the field, she welcomes the opportunity to share what she has learned through genealogical coursework, conferences and years of on-site and online research.
Note: Registration is required. To register and get Zoom settings,
email LCIGS1170@gmail.com. Members will also will be emailed a handout.
Tuesday, April 8, 2025, 7:00 pm
In-Person; Vernon Hills Village Hall
“Discover the Holdings of German Archives”
Presented by Teresa Steinkamp McMillin
Come join us in the fun of Preserving YOUR life story and that of your Ancestors.
One of the greatest gifts you can give to your loved ones are the memories and experiences that shaped lives.
After doing a lot of research you can now tell what you have discovered about your ancestors. Plus, you can add emotions, hopes and dreams to those names and dates.
Additionally, you have your own special story to tell, most of which you only know about.
Now is the time to pass on these valuable life lessons.
Please join us Thursday’s, 10 AM to 1 PM at the Lake County IL Genealogical Society, located at 290 Evergreen, Lower Level, Vernon Hills, IL 60060, for an opportunity to begin preserving your history.
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