“Will the Real Sven Larsson Please Stand Up?”

Presented by Dr. Daniel Hubbard
This presentation will cover “Getting started in Swedish genealogy,” Swedish last names that can be fluid and confusing, and Swedish geography that trips up the uninitiated.
You’ve got your swimsuit, so what else is needed to cross the Atlantic with your research and what records are there once you crawl up onto the shore?
Dr. Daniel Hubbard lives in Evanston and is past President of the Lake County Genealogical Society. He is a former particle physicist and now a full-time professional genealogist and writer as well as owner of Personal Past. His research concentrates on American, Canadian and Swedish records. He is a member of the Nordic Family Genealogy Advisory Board at the Swedish-American Museum in Chicago. Information about his presentations is at Products and Services on his website / blog Personal Past Meditations. Librarians who have attended Dan’s presentations say he could be a very entertaining speaker, as well as thoroughly knowledgeable. He does an “Intro to Genealogy presentation.” Dan@thepersonalpast.com
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