Meeting February 13, 2023

“Growing Your Ancestry Tree Using DNA Matches”

Presented by Karen Kunz & Phil Nensel

Do you wish you knew what do do with the thousands of DNA matches you have on  Phillip and Karen will walk you through some real-life examples using tips and tricks they’ve learned.  Find out what to  do when a DNA match doesn’t have a family tree, or only a few people in their tree.  You’ll learn about many of the Ancestry DNA tools available in the process.

Karen Kunz has been working on her genealogy for over 30 years.  She is the current President of the Lake County (IL) Genealogical Society.  She joined the Society in 2013 to meet others who have an interest in genealogy, learn more about research methods, and volunteer in the Research Room.

Phil Nensel is the current 1st Vice Ppresident of the Lake County (IL) Genealogical Society.