Meeting August 14, 2018

A Guide to Overseas Genealogy

Presented by Jacquie Schattner 

Crossing the pond is easier than you think. We’ll review the history of immigrant travel into the U.S. and how to find genealogical records in most European countries. Includes a list of books and over 70 American and European websites for genealogical research. This presentation covers five areas of overseas genealogy – emigration, voyage details, immigration, naturalization and genealogical websites both American and European.

Jacquie has been actively researching her family’s ancestors since 1996.  She volunteered at the Family History Center in Schaumburg for 15 years, teaches genealogy for Districts 211 and 214, beginning genealogy at area libraries and is active in several genealogy societies, including NWSGS. Jacquie received her B.S. degree from the University of Illinois.  She is a retired school secretary, allowing her free time to pursue new information.